Document Type : Original Article


1 professor of design, Department of Textile Printing, Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University.

2 Professor of clothing design, Department of Ready-made Garments, former Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University.

3 Lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Arts - Benha University.


The artistic image is an important part of the general culture, even of the culture of society, whose features affect the type and nature of Egyptian culture, and provide it with the elements of its emergence despite the tyranny of globalization. Each society has its own that does not object to its customs and traditions, and in light of cultural innovation and the breaking of borders and concepts that have emerged with identity. Most of the works of art depend on the artistic trends of Western arts and are far from the Egyptian identity, despite their rich cultural and intellectual heritage. It has been noted recently that the market lacks printing designs bearing an Egyptian identity through which it can express its aesthetic philosophy in a way that combines authenticity and contemporaneity Through the research, inspiration was drawn from the philosophy of pioneer (Sabri Al-Sayed), as one of the most prominent pioneers of plastic arts in the field of textile printing, to create printing designs for fashion fabrics that suit the era in which we live while preserving the Egyptian identity, including its artistic and intellectual richness. Therefore, the problem of the research lies in how to benefit from it. From the philosophy of the works of contemporary visual artists in the field of textile printing as an important input that introduces a kind of modernity into expression to create the design of printing fashion fabrics to keep pace with modern trends while preserving the Egyptian identity. The importance of research is to preserve the Egyptian identity and cultural heritage of the works of Egyptian artists in the field of textile printing and to continue reviving their arts, and to benefit from them at the research level, by proposing new artistic and philosophical formulations inspired by the works of plastic pioneers, which are considered a plastic mixture that combines artistic schools and printing methods and employing them. To enrich the field of textile printing, The objectives of the research: to benefit from the philosophy of Major (Sabri Al-Sayed) as one of the most prominent plastic pioneers in the field of textile printing, and his unique approach to manual printing techniques in various artistic fields, and thus the necessity of linking these aspects to develop the design of printed fashion fabrics that can add artistic value specific to the field of textile printing, and the research hypotheses In finding innovative design solutions in the field of fashion fabric printing design, by utilizing modern computer programs in a way that helps improve the quality and form of the design to keep pace with the times and preserve the Egyptian identity, Research limits: Temporal limits: An artistic study of the works of pioneer (Sabri Al-Sayed) as one of the most prominent plastic pioneers in the field of textile printing (1960-2016). Spatial limits: The applied aspect benefits the field of printing contemporary Egyptian fashion fabrics for the age group (youth segment for both sexes) within the Republic of Egypt. Arabic  , Objective limits: limited to analyzing examples of the work of the pioneer (Sabri Al-Sayed) and employing innovative designs from the study. Research Methodology: The Historical Method: An artistic historical study of the stages of the pioneer (Sabri Al-Sayyid). The Applied Experimental Method: It includes applied artistic experiments inspired and deduced to benefit from them in application to achieve the objectives and hypotheses of the research.
